Books' Reviews

- 2021| Doukhan, Haian. State and Tribes in Syria: Informal Alliances and Conflict Patterns” Al-Mustaqbal Al-arabi [Arabic]
- 2021 | Leopardi, Francesco Saverio. The Palestinian Left and its Decline: Loyal Opposition” Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya [Arabic]
- 2018 | Politics and Palestinian Literature in Exile: Gender Aesthetics and Resistance in the Short Story”. London: I.B. Tauris, 2016), By Joseph R. Farag. Review of Middle East Studies V(52) No 2.
- 2018 | "Democracy in Lebanon: Political Parties and the Struggle for Power Since Syrian Withdrawal”. - L Tauris, London" by Abbas Assi(2016)]. Jeil Journal for Political and International Studies[Arabic]
- 2017 | “The International Dimensions of Democratization in Egypt: The Limits of Externally-Induced Change”. Springer. G. Selim (2015). German Journal for the Study of the Middle East. 188-190.